An idea - when I was in high school I was on the newspaper staff. Never once did we run a story about registering to vote, or about voting. Nobody asked us to.
What if The Civics Center created some material aimed specifically at the journalism departments in high schools around the country? I'm sure there would be multiple opportunities to create Op-Ed pieces that could and would be published.
Of course, my high school newspaper days were back in the mid to late 70's, I'm not sure if they even have newspapers in high schools anymore. But if they do . . .
Thank you for working on both sides of the equation re young people and voting: registering them, AND motivating them to vote. When young people understand how legislation and legislators at every level of government impact their lives and their priorities, they vote, and get peers to vote too. Here's a good article on how millennials and Gen Zrs have the potential to set the agenda for government by the end of this decade; whichever candidates connect with them will win.
Wonderful, Stu! Our current volunteer campaign is letter-writing to households with future voters in Arizona. You can learn more here:
An idea - when I was in high school I was on the newspaper staff. Never once did we run a story about registering to vote, or about voting. Nobody asked us to.
What if The Civics Center created some material aimed specifically at the journalism departments in high schools around the country? I'm sure there would be multiple opportunities to create Op-Ed pieces that could and would be published.
Of course, my high school newspaper days were back in the mid to late 70's, I'm not sure if they even have newspapers in high schools anymore. But if they do . . .
We love this idea. In fact, we've gotten regular requests for input from student newspapers. Here are two we loved, one from California, and one from Wisconsin: - Our biggest goal is to scale so we can take on projects like this. In the meantime, the help of this community in spreading the word is one of our greatest strengths.
Thank you for working on both sides of the equation re young people and voting: registering them, AND motivating them to vote. When young people understand how legislation and legislators at every level of government impact their lives and their priorities, they vote, and get peers to vote too. Here's a good article on how millennials and Gen Zrs have the potential to set the agenda for government by the end of this decade; whichever candidates connect with them will win.
Superb Laura. Now that the holidays are over, I'm ready to do volunteer work with TCC. TY🙏
Wonderful, Stu! Our current volunteer campaign is letter-writing to households with future voters in Arizona. You can learn more here:
Here is an analysis of voter history data from Illinois. There is a huge pool of non voting young people for whatever reasons: