Hi Laura, the link above in item 3 takes you to a page that is still set up for AZ and says "order by Jan 19th". There is nothing about Phiidelphia on the page. I cannot tell if this was an oversight or deliberate (to get people to finish your list for AZ), but it IS confusing.
Hi Cheryl, thanks for the note. The current campaign is focused on AZ. PA is next. The sub-line above about sign up now and we'll alert you when we start PA soon is meant to clarify. We'll think about other ways to make it even more clear.
Yes I get that. However, HOW are we to alert you to the fact that we are interested in writing to Philly families? There is nowhere to sign up!! The only link on the page takes me to an order form to get addresses for AZ. There isn't even a box to check "I am interested in your next campaign".
FYI, I already wrote and mailed my letters to AZ just after New Year's day and don't have the bandwidth to send out more letters by Feb 1st. But I am interested in your next campaign and was trying (unsuccessfully) to let you know that.
Hi Laura, the link above in item 3 takes you to a page that is still set up for AZ and says "order by Jan 19th". There is nothing about Phiidelphia on the page. I cannot tell if this was an oversight or deliberate (to get people to finish your list for AZ), but it IS confusing.
Hi Cheryl, thanks for the note. The current campaign is focused on AZ. PA is next. The sub-line above about sign up now and we'll alert you when we start PA soon is meant to clarify. We'll think about other ways to make it even more clear.
Yes I get that. However, HOW are we to alert you to the fact that we are interested in writing to Philly families? There is nowhere to sign up!! The only link on the page takes me to an order form to get addresses for AZ. There isn't even a box to check "I am interested in your next campaign".
FYI, I already wrote and mailed my letters to AZ just after New Year's day and don't have the bandwidth to send out more letters by Feb 1st. But I am interested in your next campaign and was trying (unsuccessfully) to let you know that.