I would be interested in coordinating with other volunteers in NYC to help increase registration in selected high schools. I am in Brooklyn part of each month and could strategize and coordinate with others to bring these resources and energy to schools in the area. Anyone interested in working together? Put a comment here and we can find a way to connect. Thanks.

BTW I bet that the rates are so low in NYC because many young people do not learn or register to drive in the city. Finding other strategies to increase their participation is crucial.

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NY just created a system that allows people to register online without the need for a state ID or driver's license. Find them here. https://thecivicscenter.substack.com/p/attn-high-school-seniors-in-ny-3. Students and educators can sign up for our workshops on how to run a voter registration drive. https://www.thecivicscenter.org/training-workshop-calendar-1

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